"Hypnosis is not for everyone. It is for people who are ready for powerful change." -- Kelley Woods
Don E. Gibbons, Ph.D., NJ Licensed Psychologist #03513
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Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The One Suggestion that EVERYBODY Needs to Hear
If you can't tell people that they're awesome, at least be kinder than necessary.
Everyone that you meet is fighting some sort of a battle!
"Virtual Reality Hypnosis: Adventures in the Multiverse"
Kelley Woods and I are pleased to announce the publication of Virtual Reality Hypnosis: Explorations in the Multiverse, which allows you to hypnotically experience whatever events in parallel and alternate worlds you might care to imagine, and bringing the effects of these experiences back with you to improve your life.
Virtual reality hypnosis involves the systematic, comprehensive application of the BEST ME technique of multimodal suggestion to involve your entire being in the content of a suggested experience, using Beliefs, Emotions, Senssations and physical perceptions, Thoughts and images, Motives, and Expectations.
From the first glow of anticipation to the enduring treasures of fondest memory, the BEST ME technique provides us with a brush with which it is possible to paint upon the canvas of awareness practically any masterpiece we may desire, using the ultimate artistic medium of all -- human experience itself!
"Applied Hypnosis and Hyperempiria"
In contrast to a traditional hypnotic induction, based on suggestions of drowsiness, lethargy, and sleep, a hyperempiric induction is based on suggestions of increased alertness, mind expansion, and enhanced awareness and sensitivity. Both approaches have been shown to work about equally well. Naturally, some people prefer one approach and some people prefer the other; and some procedures are better suited to hypnosis, while others are best done with hyperempiria. This book shows you how to use hypnosis and/or hyperempiria in a wide variety of situations and for a wide variety of purposes.
Don received his Psychology training at the University of California, Riverside, and Claremont Graduate University. He has taught at the University of Portland, the University of West Georgia, and DeSales University, where he was Chairman of the Psychology Department. Don has written five books, presented at many professional conferences, published in scholarly journals, and has presented at the American Psychological Association and the British Royal Society of medicine. He is the senior author of the chapter on hypnotic induction procedures in the latest edition of the Handbook of Clinical Hypnosis, published by the American Psychological Association in 2010. He also initiated the petition to establish the Division of Humanistic Psychology within the American Psychological Association, which is now Division 32.